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Exhibition 疊藝術展覽


"Miguel Angel Vargas’ Photography: One Exhibition, Two Cities"

光 Luz & 蕈 Seta

展期 | 2018 / 01 / 13 - 02 / 11
地點 | b. LAB 基礎實驗 台中市西屯區朝馬路76號
開放時間 | 星期一至日,上午10時至6時 (週末採預約制)

煙 Rōnin

展期 | 2018 / 01 / 27 - 03 / 11

地點 | Telling Arts | 疊藝術 台北市光復南路415巷40號

開放時間 | 星期一至日,下午1時至8時


我會不斷的嘗試透過鏡頭捕捉那樣的畫面──讓我想起某個人、某件事、某個地方、或是生活中的某些感動。那些畫面毋須總是偉大的景物,其實在日常的平凡生活裡,就充滿了許許多多大大小小的共鳴,足以讓我們停下腳步慢慢品味。」 ── 范格斯 (Miguel Angel Vargas) 

Telling Arts | 疊藝術 很榮幸地呈獻「范格斯攝影雙城展」,邀請西班牙攝影藝術家范格斯 (Miguel Angel Vargas) 將「光」、「蕈」、「煙」等重要系列作品帶到台北及台中兩個城市展出。名為「雙城展」,分別以台北Telling Arts | 疊藝術和台中b. LAB基礎實驗為展場,呈現一展兩地的互動連結,同時呼應范格斯 (Miguel Angel Vargas) 自馬德里移居台北的跨文化和時空背景。

「范格斯攝影雙城展」將於1月13日在台中b. LAB基礎實驗揭開序幕,特地邀請曾長生教授 (藝術評論博士、臺灣美術院院士) 擔任座談嘉賓,探討范格斯攝影作品面貌涉及到當代攝影的發展和跨越,並與范格斯 (Miguel Angel Vargas) 進行深度對談。「光」、「蕈」系列首度於台中展出,當中不乏獲得國際攝影獎項的作品,例:《影子的秘密》(2000 Premio SIGMA)和《超自然1》(2015 International Photography Awards); 前者使用傳統35mm底片相機紀實,後者以蕈菇為拍攝對象和影像素材。

此展另一焦點為范格斯 (Miguel Angel Vargas) 最新創作「煙」系列作品1月27日起在台北Telling Arts | 疊藝術正式開展。歲末年初之際,我們期望透過「范格斯攝影雙城展」,那似曾相識的感覺,重拾忽略的美好。

“‘Sometimes a moment in time feels so familiar’….those words in themselves capture a feeling that makes me want to take a photograph.

I try to capture that moment, that feeling that can bring back a memory, that someone, a special moment, just like the normality of our daily lives.”

── Miguel Angel Vargas

Telling Arts | It is our great honor to hold exhibition "Miguel Angel Vargas' Photography: One Exhibition, Two Cities". We invited Miguel Angel Vargas, a photographer from Spain to bring his representative series of works like "Luz", "Seta" and "Rōnin" to two cities, Taipei and Taichung for exhibition. It is titled "One Exhibition, Two Cities", held both at Telling Arts in Taipei and b. LAB in Taichung, based on the concept of one fair and two venues to optimize coordination and interaction, also imply the cross-cultural context and background on Miguel Angel Vargas' migration from Madrid to Taipei.

"Miguel Angel Vargas' Photography: One Exhibition, Two Cities" is going to kick off on January 13 at b. LAB in Taichung. Professor Pedro Tseng with a Ph.D. in art criticism and as an academician of Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts invited to be our special guest for the forum, to talk about Vargas' photography works that involve in the development and cross-cultural perspective of contemporary photography, and to have in-depth conversations with Miguel Angel Vargas. The "Luz" and "Seta" series will make their debut in Taichung, among them many have obtained international photography awards, such as El Secreto (2000 Premio SIGMA) and Abstract Nature No. 1 (2015 International Photography Awards); the former is in a form of documentary photo shot on 35mm negative film, and the latter uses mushrooms as the subject and material for the photo.

Another focus of this exhibition is Miguel Angel Vargas' latest work, the "Rōnin" series, which is going to start on January 27 at Telling Arts in Taipei. As the new year starts, we hope that through "Miguel Angel Vargas' Photography: One Exhibition, Two Cities", people can be reminded of how beautiful life is with a feeling of deja-vu.

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