Huang Chih-Cheng (1988-)
Born in Miaoli and grew up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Huang Chih-Cheng received his M.F.A. from Tunghai University. He was among the artists listed by the Ministry of Culture in Art Taipei 2016 – MIT:Young Artist Discovery. His outstanding performance has made him the winner of the 2015 Next Art Tainan, the recipient of the Selected Prize in Kaohsiung Awards 2014, The 10th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award, and The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City in 2011 and 2012. His works are in the collections of the Tainan Museum of Fine Arts and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In 2015, Chih-Cheng was invited to numerous exhibitions, including joint exhibition ‘Forest Banquet’ at Regent Galleria and his solo exhibitions 'Roaming the Shores' and ‘Air Amusement’. In the same year, Chic-Cheng also participated in a joint exhibition ‘FINE ART / UNIVERSITY SELECTION’ in Tsukuba Museum of Art in Tsukuba, Japan.
Shimmering with an irresistible luster of gold, Chih-Cheng’s art centres upon issues of life and death. As he collages the dissected organs with floral images, the artist speaks of the different emotions experienced in life and the ultimate search between morality and eternity. In 2015 Chih-Cheng created a new series of installations using materials gathered from nature, experimenting a new expression for life and death within a larger context regarding the earth. By fixing the gold on one side of the withered leaves collected to present the sacredness of the spirit, the artist exemplifies the double reality of the unique experience of an individual and its ultimate return to Mother Earth.
出生於臺灣苗栗,在高雄成長,畢業於東海⼤學美術系碩⼠班創作組,2016年榮獲文化部遴選為Art Taipei「2016 Made In Taiwan-新人推薦特區」藝術家,亦為2015臺南新藝獎⾸獎得主, 曾獲得⾼雄獎(2014)︑第十屆桃源創作獎(2012)︑新北市創作新人獎(2012、2011)等當代藝壇指標性獎項入圍肯定,作品榮獲臺南市⽴美術館、國⽴臺灣美術館典藏︒⿈至正於2015年受邀展出「森之晚宴」夏愛華、⿈至正創作聯展,並有「彼岸遊蕩」和「空氣樂園」個展,同年12月至日本茨城縣筑波美術館「新進藝術家育成展」參與展出︒
黃至正以影像拼貼、複合媒材的運用,不斷重新解構青少年時期起,即特別著迷的動物解剖和花草圖鑑,延續書中骨骼、血管、組織器官,種種對生命的想像,創作圍繞在生命議題和感情抒發上,透過創作尋找生命循環課題裡另一種可能的答案。藝術家將創作視為書寫,把自己的心念以圖像為媒介傳遞出來,並試圖從中尋求自身因應的態度,利用箔在光線照射下,會反射周遭環境的特性,表現幽微露出的現實空間,以金箔媒材特有的精神性,傳達神聖和永恆的象徵,亦是作為另一個世界存在的暗示。 將日常經驗與感知形貌作品,也因生命許多片刻的交織,得以編織成一個完整的生命地圖,另一種生命在畫面中重新誕生,同時是紀念與體認生命的一種方式。

索多瑪之島 Sodom Island 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 25 x 34 cm 2019 Price upon request

索多瑪之島4 Sodom Island 4 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 25 x 34 cm 2019 Price upon request

索多瑪之島7 Sodom Island 7 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 25 x 34 cm 2019 Price upon request

索多瑪之島10 Sodom Island 10 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 25 x 25 cm 2019 Price upon request

蘇摩3 Soma 3 紙本、墨水、壓克力顏料、金箔 paper, ink, acrylic, gold foil 21 x 21 cm 2019 Price upon request

蘇摩4 Soma 4 紙本、墨水、壓克力顏料、金箔 paper, ink, acrylic, gold foil 21 x 21 cm 2019 Price upon request

蘇摩5 Soma 5 紙本、墨水、壓克力顏料、金箔 paper, ink, acrylic, gold foil 21 x 21 cm 2019 Price upon request

蘇摩6 Soma 6 紙本、墨水、壓克力顏料、金箔 paper, ink, acrylic, gold foil 21 x 21 cm 2019 Price upon request

渺小-生活中的不堪卻是必需5 Slight-Essential Yet Odious 5 胚布、銀箔 grey cloth, silver foil 50 x 87 cm 2018 Price upon request

渺小-生活中的不堪卻是必需4 Slight-Essential Yet Odious 4 胚布、銀箔 grey cloth, silver foil 88 x 155 cm 2018 Price upon request

渺小-生活中的不堪卻是必需3 Slight-Essential Yet Odious 3 胚布、銀箔 grey cloth, silver foil 88 x 155 cm 2018 Price upon request

渺小-生活中的不堪卻是必需 Slight-Essential Yet Odious 胚布、銀箔 grey cloth, silver foil 135 x 224 cm 2018 Price upon request

生活中的不堪卻是必需-浴室 Essential Yet Odious - Bathroom 胚布、銀箔、硫磺 grey cloth, silver foil, sulfur 75 x 113 cm x 2 2018 私人收藏 private collection

生活中的不堪卻是必需-浴室 Essential Yet Odious - Bathroom (局部 detail)

侵蝕的記憶-孿生 Rusty Memory - Twins 紙本、墨水、金箔、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, gold foil, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 65 x 72 cm 2017 公共收藏 public collection

侵蝕的記憶-孿生2 Rusty Memory - Twins 2 紙本、墨水、金箔、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, gold foil, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 65 x 72 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

侵蝕的記憶-堡壘 Rusty Memory - Fort 紙 本、墨水、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 29 x 30 cm 2017 公共收藏 public collection

侵蝕的記憶-堡壘2 Rusty Memory - Fort 2 紙本、墨水、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 29 x 30 cm 2017 Price upon request

侵蝕的記憶-堡壘3 Rusty Memory - Fort 3 紙本、墨水、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 40 x 29 cm 2017 Price upon request

侵蝕的記憶-堡壘4 Rusty Memory - Fort 4 紙本、墨水、金箔、線 paper, ink, gold foil, thread 40 x 29 cm 2017 Price upon request

侵蝕的記憶-盒 Rusty Memory - Case 紙本、墨水、銀箔、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 30 x 14 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

侵蝕的記憶-盒2 Rusty Memory - Case 2 紙本、墨水、銀箔、鋁箔、 線 paper, ink, silver foil, aluminum foil, thread 30 x 14 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

侵蝕的記憶-帽 Rusty Memory - Hat 紙本、墨水、金箔、鋁箔、線 Paper, ink, gold foil, aluminum foil, thread 29.5 x 15 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

暗湧17 Undertow 17 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper、ink、gold foil 29.7 x 42 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

暗湧15 Undertow 15 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper、ink、gold foil 29.7 x 42 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

浴 Shower 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 14 × 29.7 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

浴2 Shower 2 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 21 × 27 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

浴5 Shower 5 紙本、墨水、金箔、線 paper, ink, gold foil, thread 18.4 × 32 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

戀人3 Lovers 3 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 15 × 21 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

戀人5 Lovers 5 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 30 × 21 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

戀人6 Lovers 6 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 11 × 12.5 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection

碳-14 -3 ¹⁴C -3 紙本、鉛筆、墨水、 黑箔、鋁箔、線 paper, pencil, ink, black foil, aluminum foil, thread 48.5 x 33 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

碳-14 -5 ¹⁴C -5 紙本、鉛筆、墨水、 黑箔、銀箔、線 paper, pencil, ink, black foil, silver foil, thread 48.5 x 33 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

碳-14 -6 ¹⁴C -6 紙本、鉛筆、墨水、 黑箔、銀箔、線 paper, pencil, ink, black foil, silver foil, thread 42 x 30 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

碳-14 -7 ¹⁴C -7 紙本、鉛筆、墨水、 黑箔、鋁箔、線 paper, pencil, ink, black foil, aluminum foil, thread 48.5 x 33 cm 2017 私人收藏 private collection

星象-百合 (單件) Constellations - Lily (Single Piece) 紙本、墨水、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, aluminum foil, thread 30 x 42 cm 2017 Price upon request

不存在的幽靈-信箱 Fictional Spirit - Mailbox 紙本、墨水、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, aluminum foil, thread 83 x 120 cm 2017 Price upon request

不存在的幽靈-燈箱 Fictional Spirit - Lightbox 紙本、墨水、鋁箔、線 paper, ink, aluminum foil, thread 89 x 89 cm 2017 Price upon request

自燃 Spontaneous Combustion 紙本、墨水、金箔 paper, ink, gold foil 14 × 29.7 cm 2018 私人收藏 private collection