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Critical Essays

Shiu Sheng-Hung (1987-)


My series of works focus on the effects and relationships between digital images and paintings as well as their ways of reading. It seems there are some fluid narrative approaches in the district between media and matters. The viewers glance at my pearly lustered geometric paintings which made of QR-Codes connected to the internet news, and can search some interactions from the connection of paintings and QR-Code. Finally they imagine the relationships at the outside of painting frames.


My recent projects will be representing installations made of painting, photography, and documentary to unfold the pages written by my travel experiences. I will be collecting the historical and family-memorial data of places where I am going to travel. Those collected will be presented as my art work. My installations will be a landscape which records my tracks of travel.


Participated in 2011 TOKYO FRONTLINE Art Fair, 2012 Taiwan Biennial, 2015 art gwangju:15, 2015 Taipei Fine Arts Awards etc..



過去的創作關注在影像與繪畫彼此間交互影響的關係與閱覽方式。在媒介物質來回翻轉的中間地帶,似乎有著具流動性的敘述方式。從網路搜尋而知的訊息事件經由繪畫材料性呈現到QR CODE幾何形式的珠光壁畫,皆透過繪畫本身性質形成連結至背後意義的中介,觀者瀏覽畫面,在繪畫形態特性中搜尋、想像畫框外的意義與關係。




近年曾參加2011 TOKYO FRONTLINE東京前線藝博會、國立台灣美術館─台灣美術雙年展,2012年於鳳甲美術館舉辦首次大型個展,2015年光州藝術博覽會art gwangju:15、台北美術獎等展覽。

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